Discover Your God-Given Destiny
CFM exists to equip believers to fulfill their purpose and release them into their calling & destiny.
Get the spiritual tools you need to line up with the Holy Spirit and will of God.
Experience personal growth in your walk with the Lord and watch how God will lead you.
See your ministry take off as you partner with God and His purposes for your life
Popular Courses

Activating the Prophetic – Pastor Chuck Smith (5 hrs)
This course provides students with practical application of how to activate the gift of prophecy - teaching people to function in the prophetic gift and effectively share the word of the Lord with others.

Advanced Prophetic – Pastor Chuck Smith (10 hrs)
This class is a step further into Prophetic Ministry. Introduction to the Prophetic must be taken as a pre-requisite course (or pastoral recommendation given). You will learn how to function increasingly in the gift of the Prophet and to walk in step with the word and will of God.

Blessings or Curses – Dr. Peter Wyns (20 hrs)
This course will teach you to take hold of God’s blessings for your life and, through the power of Jesus Christ, to break off generational curses and walk in freedom. You will also learn how to minister effectively and powerfully to those around you.
A School of Excellence
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker . . . rightly dividing the word of truth.
-2 Timothy 2:15

Our courses are designed to give you the spiritual tools you need to line up with the Sprit and will of God, to walk in step with His purpose for your life and ministry.
CFM School of Ministry will give help give you the big picture of how you fit into God’s great plan. Experience personal growth in your walk with the Lord and watch how God will lead and guide you in to a fuller measure of your calling.
See your ministry take off as you partner with God and His purposes for your life. We give you the right tools and training to propel you forward into your destiny in God.
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Become equipped for the ministry of the Gospel. Browse Courses

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